Vibrent Health continues to support the All of Us Research Program which now includes Ancillary Studies. Vibrent played an integral roll in strategizing how new ancillary studies participants and staff could be supported by our platform and tools. A top priority of the AoURP is to include ancillary studies to increase the robustness of its data collection and Vibrent Health is there to support them.
Nutrition for Precision Health Study will start enrolling on February 15, 2023 and is open to eligible participants in the All of Us Research Program. The foods we eat can play a big role in our health and help prevent certain conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. But nutrition is not one size fits all. We all come from different cultures and backgrounds, live in different places, and have different genes. And each of us has a unique health story.
The goal of Nutrition for Precision Health is to learn more about how our diets vary and how our bodies respond differently to food. In the future, that information may allow researchers to offer more personalized nutrition advice to improve people’s overall health.
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